“Rachel launched her own collection, Rachel Roy New York, in Spring 2005. With striking silhouettes, a sophisticated color palette and inventive pairings which transition from day...
“Duro Olowu has the skill to take the bold pattern and color from his African heritage – but to use the shades and patterns to mix...
[dropcap] // Versace & H&M // [/dropcap] If you love Versace, but can’t maintain your budget with their high priced items then wait until March of...
“Stephen Burrows is the first African American fashion designer to achieve international acclaim. After graduating from the Fashion Institution of Technology in 1966. Burrows began making...
“Danielle and Chantelle are twin fashion models, socialites, and fashion designers. They have appeared on a number of major television shows such as the Rachael Ray...
“LaQuan’s success has allowed him to showcase his collection both domestically and internationally with fashion shows in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Athens, Cayman Islands, South Africa, LA,...
Mychael Knight's first showing as a designer at Bryant Park for season 3 of Bravo TV's Project Runway finale did not make a statement at all.