“Stephen Burrows is the first African American fashion designer to achieve international acclaim. After graduating from the Fashion Institution of Technology in 1966. Burrows began making...
“Danielle and Chantelle are twin fashion models, socialites, and fashion designers. They have appeared on a number of major television shows such as the Rachael Ray...
“LaQuan’s success has allowed him to showcase his collection both domestically and internationally with fashion shows in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Athens, Cayman Islands, South Africa, LA,...
Cadillac hosted The Cadillac Culinary Challenge Test Drive at Lenox Mall, Buckhead Atlanta on Sunday November 6th, 2011. There was an energetic culinary demonstration between Chef...
The 411 Knowledge & Entertainment Show is a talk-show program that gives successful individuals in music, film, sports, television, fashion and business an opportunity to share their journey with young adults...
NBA Player – Forward for The Atlanta Hawks Basketball Team QUOTE: “He won the NBA Slam Dunk Contest his rookie year during the 2005 NBA All-Star...
CEO & Founder of the brand marketing firm Translation and Author of “The Tanning of America: How Hip Hop Created a Culture That Rewrote the Rules...
DJ & Radio Personality at Atlanta’s Wild 105.7 QUOTE: “MC is a premier female DJ in Atlanta spinning the best in hip-hop, reggae, and R&B. In...
Ex Entertainment Personality of V103’s Frank & Wanda Morning Show QUOTE: “Miss Sophia said he wasn’t given any real reason why the station chose to drop...