In a fresh and empowering take on the iconic doll, "Barbie" has hit the silver screen with a captivating new movie, directed by the visionary Greta...
Nettwerk is excited to announce the signing of Vancouver singer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist alternative pop-psych artist Old Man Canyon. To celebrate the news, Jett Pace a.k.a. Old Man Canyon, unveils...
Review: Chevalier is an excellent film. The music is exquisite, emotional and very beautiful. A must see!
Oppenheimer" is a thought-provoking cinematic masterpiece that delves into one of the most significant scientific endeavors in history—the creation of the atomic bomb during World War...
Lil Baby: One potential match-up for Lil Baby in a rap battle could be fellow Atlanta rapper, Young Thug. Both artists hail from the same city...
The Importance of Supporting Black Young Men and Men of Color: . In this article, we explore the importance of supporting and empowering black young men...
INSPIRE Young Men of Color Campaign: In the summer of 2012, I wanted to do something - to help our young black boys, so they wouldn't...
INSPIRE Young Men of Color Campaign is an initiative; created by Patrick A. Kelly, Editor-In-Chief of USL Magazine, to inspire and support young men of color...
AVAION: Consciously teasing the parameters of electronic music, AVAION's latest escapade into the subconscious brings emotively charged ballad 'Hiding' to the surface. Signed to Sony Music, the new single is...